It can turn a bad day into a good one, it sharpens our senses so we can more easily find solutions to even the most intractable problems, it encourages us to sit down with friends, and it makes our lives better... can do it all.

It would only be fair, then, that we do our best to ensure that the magical magic of fresh coffee is reflected in the standard of living of those who have grown it under their hands and who have played a part in its long journey to us. Early 80% of the world's Arabica and Robusta coffee beans come from small-scale farmers in countries with relatively low living standards.

For this reason, various organisations have been formed to bring together growers, sellers and traders under the umbrella of Fair Trade.

Fair trade coffee rules:

  • a fair price for their work
  • decent working conditions
  • ensuring the necessary environmental standards
  • complete elimination of child or slave labour

Fairtrade products are marked with an international certification mark that guarantees that your chosen product meets all the conditions mentioned.

This not only contributes to a higher standard of living for farmers and their families, but also gives coffee growers the opportunity to secure the investment needed to increase the quality of the beans grown.

When you buy Fairtrade coffee, you are actually contributing to a better life for all those who have worked very hard in many cases, so that you can enjoy a cup of fragrant coffee at home or in a café.

cartChoose a quality coffee, grinder, coffee maker, french press, moka pot, dripper, cezve and more.